PL-BY-UA 2014-2020

Announcement of the results of the competition for Tyzenhauz Bench Project

Baner Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska-Białoruś-Ukraina 2014-2020

According to the rules of the competition for the design of Tyzenhauz Bench the municipality of  Sokolka made an assessment of submitted competition entries.

Projekt Ławki Tyzenhauza

The aim of the competition was to select the best project of Tyzenhauz Bench, an artistic bench with the figure of Antoni Tyzenhauz being the symbol of the cross-border project „Tyzenhauz Trail – Creation of a tourist route to promote culturaland historical heritage of two cities Sokolka and Grodno” (hereinafter called as the „Project”) co-financed within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020, under the grant agreement numer PLBU.01.01.00-20-0368 / 17-00

The bench of Tyzenhauz will commemorate the figure of Antoni Tyzenhauz, as a builder and a visionary who left his mark on, among others in the current north-eastern Poland: Sokolka gained a market and many tenement houses, Krynki – a unique market in the shape of hexagon and Dąbrowa obtained city rights.

Antoni Tyzenhauz is „the leader of the royal party in Lithuania, the organizer (1767–80) of about 50 manufactures of various industries in royal estates (mainly in Grodno and nearby Horodnica and Lososno); as a treasurer he particularly sought to develop foreign trade (currency trading in Grodno) and construction of land and waterways (cleaning and deepening rivers, including the Neman River, construction of channels) … „(1).

Tyzenhauz bench is to be put up at the Sokolski Lagoon (16-100 Sokółka, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Sokolka Community) as a place of rest for residents, visitors and tourists.

In response to the competition, offers from 3 potential contractors were received, including 5 competition works for the creation of the Tyzenhauz Bench.

Assessment of competition entries

The jury under the leadership of the Mayor Ewa Kulikowska assessed the competition entries in accordance with substantive criteria, which were, among others: artistic and visual form, preservation of historical values, rationality of investment outlays necessary to construct the Tyzenhauz Bench and experience of a potential contractor in the implementation of similar investments.

The jury’s discussions regarding the awarding of points according to the criteria were exciting and individual members of the jury made a selection based on the competition rules and the competition entries submitted by the participants of the competition.

The ranking list of competition entries is as follows:

  3. Brązy Polskie Sp. z o.o. / Praca nr 1
  4. Brązy Polskie Sp. z o.o. / Praca nr 2
  5. Brązy Polskie Sp. z o.o. / Praca nr 3

The winner of the competition is the work of ART. INTELLIGENT SP Z O.O. / Project NO. 1, which received the highest number of points. During the evaluation of the competition entries the organizer of the competition decided that minor amendments and further steps for signing the contract would be made and then the realization of Tyzenhauz Bench Project.

We thank all the participants for submitted works and congratulations to the winner. We are waiting for the realization of Tyzenhauz Bench with the figure of Antoni Tyzenhauz, which is a symbol of the cross-border project ” Tyzenhauz Trail – Creation of a tourist route to promote culturaland historical heritage of two cities Sokolka and Grodno” (hereinafter called as the „Project”) co-financed within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020, under the grant agreement numer PLBU.01.01.00-20-0368 / 17-00

The winning Project of Tyzenhauz Bench

(1) Source: PWN Encyclopedia,;3990663.html, 10/02/2020.

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