PL-BY-UA 2014-2020

Strategy for the development of cross-border tourism

Baner Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska-Białoruś-Ukraina 2014-2020

Sokółka Municipality publishes a strategy for the development of cross-border tourism on its website (hereinafter referred to as the „strategy”) created within the project „Tyzenhauz Trail – Creation of a tourist route to promote cultural and historical heritage of two cities Sokolka and Grodno” (hereinafter referred to as the „project”) co-financed under the Crosss-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 under the grant contract no PLBU.01.01.00-20-0368/17-02.

The strategy was adopted at the end of 2020 between the entities implementing the project:

  • Lead beneficiary: Sokolka Municipality;
  • Partner 1: Sports and Tourism Dept. of Grodno City Executive Committee;
  • Partner 2: Grodno District Unit of Social Organization Tourism-Sport National Association.

Plansza z mapą

The project partners, together with experts on both sides of the border, developed a joint strategy for the development of cross-border tourism and Polish-Belarusian cooperation in order to develop tourism, increase its growth on both sides of the border, and establish permanent cooperation between Sokolka and Grodno.

In the process of creating the strategy, surveys and public consultations were carried out. The goals of the strategy are consistent with the goals of strategic documents of the commune, district, state and others. The strategy will be the basic document in planning and forecasting by PL-BY the directions of tourism development in order to increase the visibility of the area improve the availability of tourist services in Sokółka and Grodno, creating an integrated system for the promotion of the region.
The strategy will be a document that enables the creation of joint tourism products and specifies the planes for the development of the broadly understood tourism sector of the cross-border area concentrated around two partner cities: Sokółka and Grodno.
In addition, it will be a document that allows partners to apply for further European funds in the next European Union financial perspective for the years 2021-2027.
At this point, as the Lead Beneficiary of the project, we would like to thank all the people participating in social consultations, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations, experts and public administration employees for their ideas, comments and suggestions, and above all for cooperation aimed at creating the final version of the strategy.

On behalf of the Sokolka authorities and the entire project team, I invite you to have a look at the strategy. See you on the Tyzenhauz Trail.

Link to the PL version of the strategy
Link to the ENG version of the strategy
Link to the RUS version of the strategy

Paweł Lange-Kuczyński, project coordinator

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